Our Mission

The mission of the University is to assist Nigeria to achieve the greatness her potential warrants by bringing together peoples of ethnic, religious and cultural diversity, into an academic community conducive to research, teaching and learning, to become a driving force for solidarity and authentic development of a new humanity.

Our Vision

Envisioned to provide high quality education in the humanities, management, science and technology, the Dominican University is unflinching in her commitment to form a new generation of leaders at the service of Nigeria and the global community, leaders who will use the multiple competence acquired in this University to work for their own good by serving the common good.

Our Philosophy

The Dominican philosophy of education which the University espouses is rooted in the conviction that authentic development is centred on the human person and is the outcome of artistic, technical and ethical competence, research and teaching that bring together valid achievements of the past and the best accomplishments of the present, and recourse to traditional African values that point to ways of overcoming contemporary challenges.

Our Core Values

The core values of the University are centered on fostering integrity, respect, and excellence. These values drive the commitment to lifelong learning, ethical behavior, and social responsibility. By embracing collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, the University aims to develop individuals who are critical thinkers, compassionate leaders, and active contributors to the global community, grounded in respect for human dignity and the pursuit of truth and justice.